Custom Built AR 6MM HAGAR 26 Inch Barrel

$ 2,000.00
Custom Built AR 6MM HAGAR 26 Inch Barrel. There are no bells or whisles missing from this custom built rifle. The barrel is 26 inches long to extract as much speed out of each load as possible. The flash hider also serves as a mounting point for a suppressor. The trigger is a 2 stage competion trigger (It works Great for 600 yard competions). The bolt has a side discharge bar to assist in clearing the chamber. The butt stock is fully adjustable and totally functional. The foreend has a shroud to protect your hands from hot barrels and for easy handling. The Bi-Pod has extendable legs for finding your most comforatble shooting postion. The foreend and the butt stock provide easy access to attach an adjustble sling. 
I have shot this rifle at 600 yard competions and at Prairie Dogs at distances that only a calculus Major could estimate. It is fun and it is accurate. The 105 grain Custom Comp Bullets from Nosler worked great in high winds in western Nebraska shooting Prairie Dogs at 800 yards plus. Mild recoil makes for wonderfully fast second and third shots. Please see the two targets in the photos. The large black 10X Traget is my 600 yard target as I sighted in for distance. The small target is from 100 yards and shows the type of pin point accuracy this rifle is capable of producing.
I have several 100 rounds of loaded ammunition as well as 500 never fired brass casing for the 6MM Hagar including the reloading dies.
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