ATF to Ban Private Firearm Sales

1 year ago

President Biden and the ATF have plans to elimate the private sales loophole for firearms. The new rule is when a private individual sells a gun for profit, you will be required to obtain a Federal Firearms License (FFL), compared to the old rule of making a livelihood via selling firearms. Many defenders of the 2nd amendment say this is an attempt to slowly erode your gun rights by monitoring and tracking firearm sales with normalized backdoor universal background checks for all transactions.

The question that arises: how are "they" going to track any profits from firearm sales? The obvious answer to that question is through ’CBDC’s - Central Bank Digitial Currencies. Catherine Austin Fitts, an American investment banker explains her definition of CBDC’s, "If you can move every human into a digital concentration camp, empty their bank account any time you want, and tell them what they can and cannot spend money on, you’ve got complete control."

Will American’s give up using cash? Or fight to keep it, like their lives depend on it? Time will tell. The majority of gun owners in America are law-abiding, honest individuals who cherish their 2nd Amendment right to "keep and bear arms", like to hunt, and defend themselves and their families from the forces of tryanny. is the new online marketplace for guns, ammo and outdoor items for sale. Join as a member today to buy, sell or trade your firearms for FREE!

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by Paul Reed