Body Armor Laws by State 2024

1 year ago
With all the recent news in the media of new firearm restrictions, people are starting to ask questions if their 2nd amendment rights are being taken away and if it is legal to own body armor?

In general it is still legal to own body armor in all the 50 states in America with the exeception of New York, but there are some bills introduced by law makers that are concerning. The question often being asked is that if it is still legal to own body armor? The 2nd amendment protects the people for the right to protect yourself and your family from danger within the limits of the law.

As a US citizen, in general you have the right to use and purchase body armor if you don’t have a criminal history and don’t need a background check to buy body armor. However, there are body armor laws and restrictions for felons that you should be aware of.

Statue 18 (USCA) section 931 statue of federal law states that a bullet proof vest is also know and considered as body armor and it forbids any convicted felon to possess or own a vest with some exclusions for lawful business activity. There is a maximum prison sentence of 3 years if a violation occurs and even stricter penalties if it is used in drug trafficking crimes (article 42 USC, Section 279611 (D-1). 

Lawmakers are concerned that criminals may commit crimes using body armor to gain an upper advantage on law enforcement and want to help protect it’s citizens from harm. Some states have increased the penalty for using body armor in crimes like Kentucky, which states that the defendant if convicted will not be eligible for parole. In California, politicians are working on passing Bill 92, which is designed to restrict the purchase and use of body armor for law enforcement, security and similar professions. In Louisiana, the law states that if you have a criminal history you are not allowed to wear body armor on school property. In Connecticut, the law states and prohibits purchasing body armor online or by phone and is mandatory for the purchase to be made in person.

We must respect the laws of the land and also have the right to protect ourselves and our families in America. To summarize, crime does not pay and you will enjoy more of our countries 2nd amendment freedoms with less restrictions by obeying and complying with all local, state, federal and international firearm laws.

Credit: Source

By Paul Reed