Department of Justice New Definition of Firearm Dealer

1 year ago
The Department of Justice and ATF recently implimented a new new rule that criminalizes "Even One Firearm Sale" which legalizes universal background checks to anyone that sells even one firearm even if it is to a family member or friend without a proper license. The new rule and definition will expand to those who are "engaged in the business" as the new Department of Justice firearms dealer definition to anyone that "devotes time, attention, and labor to dealing in firearms as a regular course of trade or business predomininately earn a profit through the repetitive purchase and sale of firearms."

Many gun rights advocates are in disagreement with the new rule that they say that undermines the consitution and infringes on their 2nd amendment rights. The ATF is redinfining the legal terms to their own narative that references safer communities act, that passed in June 2022 and was signed into law by Joe Biden that bypasses congress to impliment a universal background check. The Biden administration many say are implimenting new rules by implimenting universal background checks accross the whole country without having to pass any new pieces of legislation using administrative rules.

The new rule will give the ATF authority to prosecute legal gun owners that engages in any firearm financial transaction as "unlicensed dealers" that dealer Gun control advocates are praising the new rules stating that they are ending gun violence, but statistics show that even after the laws were implimented that the number of mass shootings of 4 or more at a time have increased according to some gun violence statistics websites.

The firearm industry rules and regulations are definately changing at a rapid rate and it is important to keep up to date with the latest news and laws.

By Paul Reed