What is the Gun Show Loophole
1 year ago
The "gun grabbers" who strongly believe in civil disarmament often believe that the system is broken with criminals purchasing firearms legally through gun shows with the intention of reselling or purchasing them for nafarious reasons. Nevertheless, the people who are against gun ownership rights often base their decision on emotion vs. facts. There is very little analytical evidence to support their argument in making a factual decision on this basis. The people who are against gun ownership rights also tend to believe that the 2nd amendment was orginally constituted for low capacity magazines, not for the protection of high capacity magazines, and should be governed as an evolving document.
In conclusion, a gun show is not gun sale "free for all" with criminal activity. FFL dealers must still perform background checks on all transactions.
The ATF (Alchohol, Tobacco and Firearms) has more details on the subject of what is lawful: https://www.atf.gov/file/100871/download
by Paul Reed